Tag Archives: planning

The Low FODMAP Diet Experiment: Day #6

12 Dec

I’m blogging a little early today just because I’m not sure what my schedule will be like today.

Also, I wanted to say that today, I’m wingin’ it. I didn’t plan out what I’m eating meal by meal. I mean, not that I’ve exactly followed my plans. But, I’ve at least stayed fairly close. But today, I’m going to see how I do NOT planning.

Another side note- I had read when I started this whole thing that there was a lady on a forum that SWORE by having a spoonful of olive oil every morning to help coat the GI track/intestines… So, what the heck. I decided to give it a whirl. Only day #2 of that, but so far, no major improvements, but we’ll see if it’s worth keeping up.

So, as for the food today, I can go ahead and say I had my protein packed breakfast of liquid egg whites with a smidge of soy milk scrambled and the four slices of the pre-cooked low sodium bacon. Also, grabbed a mini-pack of carrots. And downing water like it’s going out of style.

OH! Sorry, ONE last random fact. After my weight drop yesterday, I am glad to say that it stayed the same so it wasn’t a fluke! I’m down to 165 and proud! WHEE!