Tag Archives: sugar

The Low FODMAP Diet Experiment: Day #9

15 Dec

Oh, experimentation! SO delicious.

I’ve been just having boring ol’ Rice Chex and Soy Milk for breakfast (and lunch meat for protein, haha…), so I was wanting some REALLY TASTY for lunch today.

So, instead of prepping, I decided to just see what came up…

I ended up with spicy rice with a turkey burger patty with cheese. Basically, I made minute rice, fluffed, and added Julio’s Mild Salsa and a touch of salt/pepper. I grilled the turkey burger patty and added some tasty seasoning. I placed the turkey on the bed of rice and sprinkled a 1/4 cup 2% reduced fat cheddar cheese on top and melted it in the microwave. And oh my goodness, it was delicious. Cheesy, spicy, a little salty… mmmmMMmm… Of course, anyone could adapt this to their level of spice (or for that matter, what KIND of spice they like) or whatever other tasty things they want to add!

I’m not sure what else I’m going to eat today. Probably going to try the gluten/dairy-free mac-n-cheese. We’ll see if it’s any good!

Much love,



-Rice Chex
-Silk Light Soy Milk
-Oscar Meyer Rotisserie Chicken Breast Lunch Meat


-Jennie-O Turkey Burger
-Minute White Rice
-Julio’s Mild Salsa
-2% Reduced Fat Mild Cheddar Cheese
-Simply Limeade



??? 🙂

The Low FODMAP Diet Experiment: Day #6

12 Dec

I’m blogging a little early today just because I’m not sure what my schedule will be like today.

Also, I wanted to say that today, I’m wingin’ it. I didn’t plan out what I’m eating meal by meal. I mean, not that I’ve exactly followed my plans. But, I’ve at least stayed fairly close. But today, I’m going to see how I do NOT planning.

Another side note- I had read when I started this whole thing that there was a lady on a forum that SWORE by having a spoonful of olive oil every morning to help coat the GI track/intestines… So, what the heck. I decided to give it a whirl. Only day #2 of that, but so far, no major improvements, but we’ll see if it’s worth keeping up.

So, as for the food today, I can go ahead and say I had my protein packed breakfast of liquid egg whites with a smidge of soy milk scrambled and the four slices of the pre-cooked low sodium bacon. Also, grabbed a mini-pack of carrots. And downing water like it’s going out of style.

OH! Sorry, ONE last random fact. After my weight drop yesterday, I am glad to say that it stayed the same so it wasn’t a fluke! I’m down to 165 and proud! WHEE!

The Low FODMAP Diet Experiment: Day #5

11 Dec

I’m a cheat.


I’ll admit it. I cooked dinner for a friend on Friday night and I used a seasoning mix for pasta sauce that had whey and whatnot in it and had some juice I shouldn’t have. Symptoms weren’t too bad from that, but Saturday ( Day #4) proved to be my breaking point. Last night, I had BREADED chicken strips, mashed potatoes with MILK in them, and brown GRAVY. I also was having some major ice cream withdrawls and decided to splurge on a pint of double dark chocolate gelato. I had remembered seeing this on the approved list for low FODMAP, but was confused as to why it is on there? It’s made with milk and sugar (and the brand I bought had cream in it as well), so just curious… does anyone know WHY it’s listed on the approved low FODMAP foods?

Continuing on the cheating, I had a soda today (Coke is another of my vices, although I had cut them down to 2 a week this fall b/c of kidney stones this summer…). But, I did keep all my food today low FODMAP, so that’s a plus. Thinking out loud (sort of) for a moment here, I know my symptoms are definitely prevalent in my life, at least enough to drive me to try this little experiment… but I always thought I was likely on the low end of symptomatic people. However, after even just a LITTLE cheating yesterday, I realized just how much my symptoms have affected me. Normal amounts of lactose and a smidge of flour later, and my torso’s a babbling brook. I had always known I had a problem with legumes and cut them out of my life completely about a year ago. But I never thought that lactose and gluten could be such an issue for me (along with fructans!). As I had said earlier, apples and onions were STAPLES in my diet. Now, not having them on a regular basis is sad, but I’m trying to find new fruits and such that have great flavors that hopefully I can replace them with…

After my little cheat period, I think I can do this. I’ll admit, I’m probably going to have another cheat day next Friday because of our annual Holiday lunch at work (which is DELICIOUS!), but if we have what we did last year, I actually should be pretty good since they typically do mexican food. Enchiladas (with corn tortillas and hard cheese topping) are do-able and rice.

I also should mention my body has been going a little crazy through this, I guess, transition period? Low FODMAP has really thrown a big kink in my typical meal planning, particularly with my focus on weight loss this past month. However, after a couple of cheat days, and giving my body a break from working out, and low FODMAP foods helping out some of my symptoms, I am proud to say I’m down to 165.5 lbs and hoping I can keep under 167! We’ll see how my weight fluctuates this week.

Alrighty… Enough of this… on to foods!

-Hillshire Farms Lite Sausage
-Yellow & Orange Pepper
-Smashed Potato
-Organic Whipped Spread (with Vegetable Oil)

-Green Grapes
-Soy Crisps

Snack #2:

-Shredded Chicken Breast
-Organic Southwest Taco Seasoning
-2% Reduced Fat Cheddar Cheese
-Diced Tomato
-Hard Corn Tortilla Shells
-Quinoa (with Tascosa Hot Sauce for seasoning)

The Low FODMAP Diet Experiment: Day #3

9 Dec

Oh my goodness. I was absolutely RAVENOUS all day yesterday, at least until dinner. Having a lite breakfast is NOT for me. haha!

So, today I went unconventional (I get made fun of regularly at work for my odd taste in breakfast foods…) and had green grapes first, followed by soy crisps topped with hot sauce and turkey breast lunch meat. Odd, but VERY filling and I’ve been good today!

Also, I think getting a good dinner in me last night and drinking water was helpful.

As far as symptoms go, I’ve seen some improvement actually. I’m wondering at a week if I’ll even be having my typical major problems at all! haha…

Another thing I was thinking about… So, granted, I did this experiment to see if it would help with my symptoms. And I said that if it did, I would like to try and keep it up. However, even after just 3 days, I don’t know if I can keep up this strict of a diet. A lot of my favorite foods are on the “no-no” list, and my life would be much less cheerful if I didn’t get my apples or onions. haha…

I tried to console another of my cravings (ice cream!), but made the foolish mistake of getting a brand made with coconut milk, apparently forgetting the fact that I hate coconuts. For some reason, my brain saw milk and thought “oh hey, probably tastes like milk.” and completely neglected the coconut portion. Oh well. I’ve already given it away to a friend and got a suggestion to try to the almond kind (though I’m not a huge nuts fan) or the soy chocolate. …I’m gunning for the soy chocolate.

Also, I’m trying my spelt spaghetti noodles tonight, so we’ll see how those go! If not, I’ve got some rice pasta waiting on backup. haha…



-Green Grapes
-Soy Crisps
-Tascosa Hot Sauce
-Oscar Meyer Oven Roasted Turkey Breast


-Hillshire Farm Lite Sausage
-Orange & Yellow Bell Peppers
-Homemade Smashed Potatoes
-Organic Whipped Spread (Made with vegetable oil)




-Ground Turkey Breast in
-Tomato Sauce
-Italian Seasoning
-Spelt Spaghetti Noodles

The Low FODMAP Experiment: Day #2

8 Dec

Oops. Tried to cook last night, but ended up gross. (For lack of a more sophisticated way to say it.) The soup/chili stuff I made ended up waaay too salty (I think it was the off-brand of seasoning I used), so no left overs for me today.

I’m thinking tonight I’m going to play it safe.

As for my progress, yesterday was still rough. I’ll admit, I had some foods I shouldn’t have in preparation, knowing I couldn’t have them for two weeks. My “guilty pleasures” last meal? Beef enchiladas from Taco Bueno (and I even ate a small amount of the refried beans, negligible to most, but still significant for me since I cannot typically have most legumes) and a coke. MmmmMMMmm…

But like I said, yesterday was rough, but today’s already been better. Of course, the morning usually is… Anyway, here’s my food for today. See you again, tomorrow!


-White Grapes
-Bacon Strips


-Gluten Free Bread
-Oven Roasted Turkey Breast Lunch Meat
-Tascosa Hot Sauce


-Mini Soy Cakes
-Tascosa Hot Sauce


-Lite Sausage
-Orange & Yellow Peppers
-Mashed Potatoes (With Organic Vegetable Oil Spread in place of butter)
-2% Reduced Fat Shredded Cheddar Cheese
-Italian Cut Green Beans



The Low FODMAP Experiment: Day #1

7 Dec

So, Day #1! I have to admit, I’m not being the strictest of following guidelines, but doing my best with what I could find in my local market. I know some of the meats are cured with sugars (don’t know what kind), but I feel that since this is my first go out at this, I can have a little leeway at this point. Haha!

I didn’t prep any food last night (BIG mistake on my part), so this morning was a little hectic trying to get everything ready for work. However, I grabbed a lot of good stuff, so I’ve got some good choices…


-Scrambled egg whites with light soy milk to fluff

-Precooked low sodium bacon strips



-Udi’s gluten free wheat bread

-Oven roasted turkey breast lunch meat

-Tascosa hot sauce

-Green grapes

-Baby carrots








-Taco Soup

–Ground Turkey Breast
–2% shredded cheddar cheese
–Tomato Sauce
–Taco Seasoning
–Stewed Tomatoes and diced green chiles

-Lime Juice